Al Gore Combating Climate Change With 24-Hour Live-Stream

by Michael Bastasch


Former Vice President Al Gore kicked off his live 24-hour broadcast calling for solutions to man-made global warming Monday as waves of protests against the very types of policies Gore champions rocked major French cities.

“All of it is felt most keenly by the world’s most disadvantaged people,” Gore said during the live broadcast Tuesday from southern California’s Los Angeles State Historic Park. “It’s up to each and everyone of us now to demand that our leaders do more.”

“A dramatic shift is underway, but it must be accelerated by new policies,” Gore said, pushing for policies to phase out fossil fuels and use more green energy.

Gore noted this year’s 24-hour broadcast coincides with the United Nations climate summit in Poland, which is meant to further hash out the Paris climate accord agreed to at the 2015 conference. The theme of this year’s 24-hour broadcast is climate and health, Gore told the “Today Show” in an interview Tuesday.

But Gore’s concern for the Paris accord comes as France delayed implementing global warming policies after violent protests broke out in the City of Lights and other major cities across the country.

Tens of thousands of protesters wearing yellow vests took to the streets, clashing with police and lighting bonfires over planned fuel tax increases at the beginning of 2019. The fuel taxes are part of the French government’s carbon tax scheme to fight global warming.

At least three protesters have been killed and more than one hundred injured since riots began in late November. French President Emmanuel Macron initially resisted calls to scrap the carbon tax increase, but his government announced a six month delay to the policy on Tuesday.

The delay is seen as a victory for protesters outraged over the tax increase. The carbon tax was the spark that set off many protesters who already felt crushed under the burden of rising energy and housing costs.

“It’s a first step, but we will not settle for a crumb,” Benjamin Cauchy, one of the protest leaders, told The Associated Press.

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Michael Bastasch is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Michael on Facebook and Twitter.
Photo “Al Gore” by Collision Conf. 













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5 Thoughts to “Al Gore Combating Climate Change With 24-Hour Live-Stream”

  1. Randall

    Volcanoes pollute the earth more than humans. Al Gore is a volcano denier .

  2. Traditional Thinker

    Easy, easy fellow commentators, poor Al needs money to buy respectable Christmas, wait , holiday presents for his posse. So what if it’s a little white climate change lie. What would it look like if his Christmas, I mean holiday celebration was as modest as ours. How humiliating would it be for a idiot, I mean former vice president to settle with the giant carbon foot print he already has and not be able to take another carbon step? Between Gore and Cohen, it’s a toss up on who’s the biggest disgrace to the state of Tennessee.

  3. Ron W

    Al Gore and other “climate change” activists should do “show and tell” presentations about what they are doing to lessen their “carbon footprints”. You know, like having only one dwelling and curtailing their travels, not eating beef and diary since raiding cows, we are told, is a significant culprit in raising “greenhouse gases”. That is, CO2, which is NOT a pollutant, but an essential natural gas for the carbon lifecycle on Planet Earth.

  4. Habu

    And to think that this loon was once the VP of the United States. Al Gore is about as phony as a three dollar bill as are his claims that “we” can control the climate.

    1. Ron W

      Hey wait, HaBu! You’re forgetting Al Gore invented the Internet–he claimed.
